Of Toothpaste and Tomorrows

I squeeze the toothpaste tube once, then again. Yes, there is still a bit left in it and I laugh as I recall myself doing exactly the same thing many long years ago.

I was in training at a Psychiatric Hospital and I was saving, saving, saving. I needed enough money to make a trip east to Ottawa and I was working in B.C.

It was a long ways away but the object of my affections was stationed there in the Air Force. My engagement ring on my finger was the promise that he was waiting for me.

It is amazing what you can do if the someone you love is far away and you want desperately to be with him.

My “nurses shoes” needed replacing but I knew I had about three more weeks to wear them. I simply put white tape over the cracks, white polish over the whole lot and headed out to the wards. Not exactly a poster picture for the hospital staff room, but I was neat and clean and ready for a new day.

And I could hardly wait for those days to go by. My dream destination was near and it filled my thoughts. There was little to pack as I had little, but material possessions were the last thing in my mind. I wanted to see Harry.

I am sure a good many of my readers can relate to my story. Love stories have been told since the beginning of time. And yes, he was there at the train station and within 6 months we were married and we had the wonderful life I had anticipated.

Now I am anticipating another journey. My senior years are adding up. I have a sister ten years older and I will try my best to match her birthday count but I am realistic. Ten years when I was thirty was just a drop in the bucket …at my age it seems like a very special gift.

And my new destination has been planned for many years. And what a welcome I am expecting, but right now God has left me with a few more jobs to do. Blogs to write, bible studies to prepare, family to watch over and love, friends to care about and a church to support and worship in.

And life is such a precious gift. Each day filled with unknowns and surprises…like opening my blinds this morning to a full moon resting between the branches of the tree across the street. I am still filled with wonder that man has actually walked on it.

Man is not walking the earth today…at least not here in northern Alberta. It is -33C and those that don’t need to go out, don’t!

So this morning I sit at my computer, thankful for God’s goodness way back when and for his continual presence in my today and my tomorrows.

Photo:  “Toothpasteonbrush” by Thegreenj – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.