Saturday: Continue Your Walk

My fascination with molas started with my inability to read them. Culture was the “heart center” of my work on theology and the “social construction of reality.” When I started praying with molas, I was aware that this spiritual world would be very different from the cerebral and textual traditions I am used to. I came with the colonial Protestant suspicion around images and “folk religion”.

At the end of a week of exploring prayer and molas with you, I feel that I have successfully transgressed my own boundaries. Now it is your turn to continue your walk across “eight layered universes”.

Prayer: Make beautiful all that is before me. And all that is behind me. Make beautiful these worlds that surround me. And the many more which are inside me.

About Rafael Vallejo

Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online