National Offices, Toronto

It’s an historic time for the Committee on History. Marilyn Repchuck (centre) is the first female convener of the church’s oldest ongoing committee (it was created in 1879). Pictured here at the February committee meeting is Bob Anger, Barry Cahill, Barry Mack, Repchuck, Don MacLeod and Kim Arnold.

“I knew that the committee had been in existence for over 130 years, but didn’t realize that I would be the first woman to be convener!” Marilyn said. “It truly is an honour and I do enjoy church history!”

Marilyn has been a Presbyterian since she was a teenager, and has thoroughly appreciated her faith journey at MacNab Street Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, Ont., where she has been an elder since 1978.

She was formerly convener of the Maclean Estate Committee, which oversees the operation of Crieff Hills Community, became the first lay moderator in Presbytery of Hamilton in 1996 and the moderator of the Synod of Southwestern Ontario in 2010.

Marilyn has taken lay education courses at the Elder’s Institute in Vancouver, B.C. and graduated with two lay certificates from Knox College in Toronto. She enjoys leading worship, which fulfills her calling as a lay person.

Marilyn retired a year ago from St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton as a health records technician.

Her mentor, a former minister and dear friend, was the late Dr. John A. Johnston and Marilyn is honoured to use his quote regarding the history of our church: “Surely to know the past is to plan for the future!”