Gifts Galore

I can’t recall the book or the story, but somewhere I read about a rather ugly tiny baby, who would certainly not have made received “the prettiest baby in town” award, but he simply could not be ignored as he had such a pitiful cry that it turned the hearts of those who heard it.

God grants everyone a special gift (or gifts if they are especially blessed.)

My dog-friend “Drew”, next door, doesn’t care if I am short or tall, but when he hears me call, he runs across the grass to visit me. He doesn’t care if my hair is a mess or if my shoes match…and I do NOT feed him, but he gets a great welcome with lots of petting.   He gives me the gift of unconditional love.

In Job 38:17, it says that the ostrich is a rotten mother, deprived of wisdom, yet can outrun a horse and rider. I think God has a great sense of humor.

Last Friday, my Bible study group discussed our gifts…many refused to acknowledge theirs and I maybe embarrass them, but they are the recipients of so many gifts. My house will never look as tidy as Anne’s, she is a marvelous housekeeper, and my birthday cakes will never match Ann V’s… When I am sad, I know there is compassion waiting for me just a few doors away and I pop into Mary’s, if I need to hear laughter I listen to Dawn. Paula is a store house of scripture…and the list goes on. God is not stingy.

We also talked about some national concerns. Of course we have all the answers…well some of them. I laughingly said “Let’s march on Ottawa…I will organize it!” I think the sight of 12 little white haired ladies, marching up the steps to the Parliament Building, might bring some attention to our concerns…but alas we live in Northern Alberta and the trip is too long for all of us.

Last Friday we celebrated two birthdays…of course Ann V. brought a cake and what a feast we had; …the cake was cut and I sang “Happy Birthday”. The gift of song will always be in my soul, long after the voice to produce it is gone.

Don’t be self-conscious about the gift God gave you. Use it or lose it!

I still recall Aunt Thea saying to me…”Pat, you can write…now write for the Lord.” And here I am doing just that!

Photo: “Giving a gift” by asenat29 – Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.