Wednesday: We Are Thankful

Holy One,
For bringing us through the night…we are thankful
For gentle rain falling…we are thankful
For food to break the night’s fast…we are thankful
For gentle breezes blowing…we are thankful
For clothes to wear throughout the day…we are thankful
For birds that greet us in the morn with song…we are thankful

Remind us of the ones who will not be dry today…
Remind us of the ones who will be hunger today…
Remind us of the ones who have limited or no resources…

Help us to work so that all are treated with respect…
Help us to work so that all know they are Your precious children…

Guide and direct our words and deeds..
In Jesus the Christ most holy name we offer this prayer…Amen

About Joanne Sharpe

Joanne Sharpe is a Presbyterian who teaches at a Missouri Synod Lutheran school, attends classes at Austin Presbyterian Seminary, and serves as director of children's ministries at an ECLA church. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online