Proof there is a God…

…or at least that we were created to worship?

Yesterday the internet broke when news broke that Zayn Malik left the band One Direction. Horror! How could it be? How could one young man decide that he might want to leave and live a normal life?

Truthfully I’m blown away by the intensity of the reactions. I was part of the NKOTB era and when they ceased to exist we just moved on.  These reactions did make me think though. What we spend our time and energy on is in fact the focus of our lives. This ‘worship’ of celebrity is just a substitution for the worship of God. Can you imagine how the world would change if we invested as much energy in faithfully following Jesus as our society tends to invest in celebrity idol worship? How much love we could spread, time we could invest and people we could serve? It seems to me this is a good time for all of us to think about how we use our time, how we invest our love and energy.

If you’re a a 1D fan I’m sorry for your loss but take heart, Zayn is not dead he’s merely chosen a different path. If you’re not a 1D fan I feel you. I’m not either. It is however a good time to think about the idols in your own life. Have you shifted focus away from God? Are you pointed in the right direction?

It’s a sad day for many 14 year old girls out there.  I hope it gets easier for them…