Wednesday: The Face of God

You are the face of God
I hold you in my heart,
You are a part of me
You are the face of God…
You are the face of love
I hold you in my heart
You are my family
You are the face of God…
—Karen Drucker, “You Are The Face Of God”

Two weeks ago, as I mentioned yesterday we celebrated becoming an Affirming congregation in the United church of Canada. One of the touching moments among many in the celebration was to have a group of abled and differently abled bodied dancers called the Spirit Movers from L’Arche Daybreak dance as part of our prayer. They danced to a beautiful piece by Karen Drucker called “Face of God” .

Tom, Mary Ann, John and Brian who live with developmental disabilities with the help of two others danced to this song and invited us to dance with them by doing the actions. I have a deep connection with the four having lived with them for almost two years. They taught me that the face of God is before me at all times. I followed along by doing the actions with them as did the congregation…and the tears flowed down my face. It would be easy to see we have never seen God…but I have in these beloved daughters and sons of God. In their vulnerability, in their capacity to love and live and share community…they helped me for two years to taste and see God in the most unexpected places. I loved my time at L’Arche Daybreak and it was a time in my life when a major change took place. And so they began to dance.

Brian in his wheel chair clapped out of tune…or maybe he was clapping along with God. Mary Anne and her infectious smile showed me often that God even blushes. John who speaks very little did actions…occasionally stopping to look at his watch before joining back into leading us in the actions. Tom…well Tom likes to freelance and no one can stop him. He became a majestic bird…dropping to his knees at one point and bringing his hands together in thanksgiving…not even bothering to follow others. And God’s face was everywhere in front of me and I could only let the tears flow I was touched so deeply as I prayed with the actions.

So often the face of God is in front of us speaking to us, wanting to touch us in wondrous ways and yet we look for the BIG God moments instead…when we might have missed them completely. So today I invite us to open our hearts to be aware of where the face of God is present to us. Jesus was present to the face of God everywhere…even to the cross and his last breath. And so as we bow greeting this day let us pray…

O Holy One,
Let us be aware of your face everywhere this day.
Let us see you, touch you, taste you, hear you, smell you.
Walk with us and show us your face. Amen!

About Jeff Doucette

Jeff Doucette is a United Church minister living in Pickering, Ont. John Stuart is minister at Erin Presbyterian in Knoxville, Tennessee, and an artist whose religious work is used by churches all over the world. You can see his work at This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online