Thursday: Thank you For…

In quiet surrender to the One who knows us by name, I invite you to pray, simply:

Thank you for the glimpses you give us of Your holy presence. Profound moments that change us, and simple things that keep our heart singing.
(share your own glimpses)

Thank you for the challenges that force us to stop and put You back in focus; for the assurances that nothing will be able to separate us from Your love, no matter how badly we screw it all up.
(trust the assurance as you loosen the grip on your challenges)

Thank you for the retelling of the story to come this week; such incomprehensible Love that’s too hard to bear sometimes in our unworthiness. Thank you that You love us anyway.
(release the shame, fear, guilt that stands in the way of recognizing that this Love is meant for you)

Help us release all burdens on our hearts and minds, so that we can simply be here, humble in your presence, open, to let your Love baptize us once again.
(let Grace wash over you and fill you up anew)

From our humble hearts, we offer up our praise and thanks.

We Fall Down – Instrumental Piano:

About Carolyn Venema

Carolyn Venema lives in Mount Hope, Ont. She blogs at This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online