Monday: Escher

Maurits Cornelis Escher was a Dutch graphic artist. He saw the world and drew it in creative impossibilities. Escher shows us that reality is wondrous, complex, fascinating, and sometimes impossible. We might marvel at Escher’s creativity. And then, we might marvel at God’s.

Holy God, we praise you for a world of wonderful diversity, complexity, and creativity. As Escher imagines stairs connecting all levels of this building, let us imagine stairs connecting all the levels of our lives. Let us imagine stairs that go to our neighbours across the way, the child in the hospital, the lonely senior whose family lives far away. Stairs are not always the easiest for tired folks, but with God’s help, they are worth the struggle. Today, as we walk up or down stairs of possibilities and impossibilities, help us see that the struggle is worth the descent, give us strength for the climb. We thank you for minds that can imagine drawings like those of M. C. Escher, for minds that can imagine a more humane world, for minds that plan for restoration and peace. Thank you for the gift of creativity. God of creation, lead us up and down the stairs of life today, bringing hope, joy, and peace to those we meet. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

As you go about your day today, be mindful of stairs, real and figurative, and share your experience here with CASA.

About Nicole Reid

Nicole Reid is a wife, mother of six, part-time farmer, and soon-to-be graduate of the Knox College, Toronto. She lives in the Niagara region of Ontario. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online