My New Daily Devotional Called “Up.” (Why bother?)

I’m increasingly convinced that we don’t need more time or less tasks—but clearer priorities.

Albert Einstein had 24 hours a day. So did Michelangelo. And Jesus!

But here we are wishing we had a 25th hour. But if we got one, wouldn’t we just jam it with more of the un-important?

So I’ve started a new 1-minute daily devotional called “Up — Get up, look up, be up.” It comes out 5 days a week, and the idea is this: When we consciously start our day with God, it’s easier to make him a priority.

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When you spend time with your kids or spouse… you make them a priority. When you attend a class… you make learning a priority. When you run the extra lap… you make your health a priority.

So when you consciously start your day with God, you are taking that next best stop toward making him a priority. Toward God’s vision. God’s dream. God’s new day.

My prayer is that “Up” will help us do just that.

You can quickly sign up by clicking here.

The ever-insightful Max Lucado wrote, “Jesus said no to good things so he could say yes to the right thing.”

In the midst of a million distractions, to me that “right thing” is the God-thing. Maybe “Up” will help focus us on just that.

Get up, look up, be up. In a world where it is so easy to be down, maybe it’s a good idea to work at going the other way… Up.
