Thursday: Enjoy Everything

Enjoying creation, the presence of God and one another –

Brother Lawrence said:

“The most holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is the presence of God. That means finding constant pleasure in divine company, speaking humbly and lovingly with God in all seasons, at every moment, without limiting the conversation in any way. This is especially important in time of sorrow, temptation, and even in what feels or is our own separation from God.”

Converse with creator in the little things, while we work, play and live; not in memorized prayer, not in trying to recite previously formed thoughts, but rather purely and simply in conversation – reveal our hearts as the words and thoughts come forth, and something magical happens.

Enjoy; enjoy everything, take the time to look and really understand what is before each one of us – the crack in the sidewalk, the bird singing its song full tilt, the slap of the water waves near rocks or sand, the hammering of construction, cars whizzing by – can you find today that which is the energetic part of life, that which is full of God life and message.

If you are able to notice, what is the world saying? What is creation saying? What is God saying?

Today may we be encouraged to seek something we have not noticed before, something with a full view message; if we look with intention, we might just see something usually hidden and outstandingly miraculous

God of creation, show us the way.

Peace for today.

About Laurel Chapman

Laurel Chapman is a candidate for ministry in the United Church of Canada and serves as minister at St. Stephen’s United Church in Vancouver, B.C This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online