Friday: Growing

The morning has come, and with it expansion.
Thing growing and moving, breathing. Taking and giving. Plants taking in that which we cast off, our used, discarded air. The spring homes of animals, being rebuilt, rearranged. Homes being changed, reconstructed inside and out. That which is no longer useful to us, is a gain for other life.
The earth itself expanding, growing, moving, breathing. We live in a web of life, interdependent and connected.

Our days ordered? Our days designed? Our days lived in creation, making and taking what we create with God? I feel the earth move under my feet…

The earth moves under our feet…take a listen to God and Carol King.

In the name of our creator…

About casa

Laurel Chapman is a candidate for ministry in the United Church of Canada and serves as minister at St. Stephen’s United Church in Vancouver, B.C This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online