Today is May 1, which in some cultures involves a celebration called May Day. It reminds me of the other use of that term:


That’s the call that comes from someone in distress, often on the high seas. It comes from the French term, m’aidez, which means, “help me”.

When certain monks pray, the first words out of their mouths on any given day are, “O Lord, make haste to help me.” (These words come as a response to the cantor’s opening sentence, “O God, come to my assistance.”)

Calling out to God for help is something worth doing every day. We do well to make it habitual. Yet too often, we don’t, because we don’t want to “bother” God.

In one sense, there is wisdom here: we don’t want to bother God by asking for a parking spot close to the doors of Walmart so we don’t have to walk that extra 25 steps. (Get out of your car and walk, assuming you don’t need a handicapped spot!)

However, in another sense, “bothering” God brings him delight. If you’re a parent, you love it when your kids call out to you for help. Your response might be an encouraging, “It’s okay; you can do it!” But you’re delighted just to have your child call out to you.

It’s no different for God. We are his children, and he is our Father. Like the monks, echoing the Psalmist, we can cry out at any time, “Please, God, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me” (Psalm 70.1, NLT)

Even if you don’t think you need help, invite God to be at your side.