Saturday: The Parable of the Lost Coin

We invited to join watching this ancient parable

Take sometime to think in those things that you had lost,
those that are important for you to find,
those that you look forward to rescue…

How are you searching for? What are you doing for reaching it?
feelings, habits, customs, relationships, friendships.. God had gave to us many precious ” coins”
faith, Love, Courage, confidence… is there something we need to take back, re encounter or gain again?
What should we sweep to reach that goal?

if we had lose something it is because we previously were gifted with receiving it.
Save a prayer in silence thanking God for those thing that had be given to us

About Daylins Rufin Pardo

Daylins Rufin Pardo serves as an ordained minister with a Baptist Community called “La Sagrada Familia” (Holy Family) in Alamar, Cuba. She teaches at Instituto de Ciencias de Religion and at Seminario Evangelico de Teologia de Matanzas. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online