Calvin, North Bay, Ont.

The Charlotte Small Ladies group at Calvin Presbyterian in North Bay, Ontario recently held their Victorian luncheon and bake sale. So many people came from the community that the abundant supply of sandwiches were depleted. Highlights of the event were the Victorian decorations, the delicious sandwiches, sweets and bake table items complemented by guests being served by Calvin’s ladies dressed in Victorian attire. Prior to the arrival of guests, ten Calvin ladies (L to R) Elaine Burrows, Brenda Walsh, Ruth Anne Drenth, Judy McKay, Joellen Brown, Irene McKee, Alice McAllister Monique Nelson, Gerry Neily, and Betty Caverly proudly show off their Victorian attire. Thanks be to God for the beautiful day, the many donations of sandwiches and baked items provided by the congregation, the many people who attended and the energetic ladies of the Charlotte Small group. Yes some of Calvin’s men also assisted with the event.IMG_3209