Wednesday: Peace and Hope

According to my favourite Bible search engine, there are only 4 references to hope in the gospels. Yet there are 24 references for peace. Peace and hope in the Christian tradition are closely connected together. We cannot have one without the other – they are like a piece of string that is woven together and cannot be easily separated. The peace that Christ has given us through his sacrifice for us and through his Advocate, the Holy Spirit, surpasses all understanding. (Philippians 4:7) And it gives us hope for the future.

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we yearn for peace in our time. We pray that your hope-filled peace may rest on all peoples.

Prince of Peace, we pray for peace in our world. Where there is hate, send your love. Where there is violence, send your ambassadors. Where there is oppression, let there be hope.

Prince of Peace, we pray for your bride, the Church. Where there is persecution, let your light shine. Where there is division, send your unifying Spirit. Where there is fear, remind us of the hope that we have in you.

Prince of Peace, we pray for all who suffer. Where there is sickness and disease, send your healing power. Where there is abuse and addiction, shine your light into the darkness. Where there are broken relationships, build bridges and mend fences. Where there is grief, spread your wings over all those who mourn.

Blessed Lord, remind us that only you can bring a peace that surpasses all understanding. Mold us and use us through your Spirit so that we can bring peace and hope into our broken world. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

About Emma Duncan

Emma Duncan is minister at Knox, Burlington, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online