The nature of money in Canada and beyond

Today in my quest to produce interesting content for you, dear readers, I have been meeting Jesus on the economics road.  I’ve been prayerfully pondering the nature of money; more specifically the nature of money in Canada as produced through the Bank of Canada (A Crown corporation whose shares are wholly held by the federal Minister of Finance).

The following thoughts occur:

  • Money a good servant; but a lousy master.  (See Matthew 6:24 for a sound bite from our Lord on the lousy master part.)
  • Jesus has a lot to say about money and economics.  However, generally we ignore Him, place Him in a religious box, and get on with business as usual in our practically ‘Jesus free’ imaginary world of illusions that we like to call reality.  (See previous posts Unemployment is Artificial & Rolling Jubilee for some thoughts on breaking out of the box.)
  • Money serves three purposes:

1.  a unit of account
2.  a store of value
3. a means of exchange

  • The Canadian dollar, like all contemporary national currencies, is a fiat currency.  Fiat meaning it is declared.  The government declares the dollar as legal tender (‘fiat’ = a formal declaration) and on that declaration it is so because people in Canada and else where trust it sufficiently to use it for the three purposes outlined above.

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