Thursday: Dandelions

I am not a gardener, but I do appreciate the beauty of spring flowers. I am especially drawn to dandelions – even though they are weeds! They are part of God’s creation and they always remind me of the Christ’s bride, the Church. Dandelions are beautiful and resilient. They grow in the strangest places and they are hard to get rid of. Many try to destroy them, but they keep coming back! Dandelions also transform so that their seeds will spread all over.

(The picture below was taken this week while I was on a walk).

Let us pray.

Creator God, we give you honour and glory. You created the heavens and the earth – so vast and majestic. You created the dandelions – so small yet so beautiful. You created man and woman in your image – so diverse yet so similar. You gave us your Son to live among us and to die for us – so perfect. You sent your Advocate to guide us – so wonderful. We praise you as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

As Christ followers, guide us so that the Church can be beautiful and resilient like the dandelions. In the places where the Church is persecuted and Christians are attacked like weeds, send your peace. In the places where the Church is increasingly marginalized, send your joy. In the places where the Church is at war with itself, send your hope. In the places where the Church is dying, send your love.

We pray all these things in the name of the One who redeems us, Jesus Christ. Amen.

About Emma Duncan

Emma Duncan is minister at Knox, Burlington, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online