Making Mistakes

The old adage about the wisdom of the elderly is a falsehood. I am a perfect example of complete idiocy at times…just at times, not all the time.

Daughter Lyn has been visiting with me and recently a friend invited us over for supper. At home I usually dish up the plates, set them on the trays and we pack them into the living room to watch TV. I’ve become accustomed to eating in front of the TV since Harry died, so it was kind of natural.

At my friends table, Lyn helped herself then passed me the fruit bowl and the ice-cream. Without a thought I dished up two bowls of dessert and handed her one.   The look on her face was priceless. “Mom, I am old enough to dish up my own dessert!” I don’t know which of us was most embarrassed; her, me or our hostess.

Yesterday’s scripture at church spoke of wisdom and how it was there from the very beginning of time. Somehow between then and now it has gotten lost.

My grandchildren still believe I am wise and often ask me about things that surprise even me but my own kids know too well, that Mom is not invincible…and they tell me on occasion.

Yet, I must have done something right. They survived their teen age years and have become responsible adults and one is a grandmother…I think I must have laid down a fairly decent foundation for them to build on.

I heard Lyn discussing “home schooling” with her son last night on the phone. They had differing opinions and I was astounded to hear Lyn voicing my own…and her arguments were credible. I guess I have done some things right.

Daughter Robin was out of the country last month and actually attended a church service.   She is respectful of my beliefs but chooses not to attend church. Someday I hope that will change. God works in mysterious ways.

I am still messing up but mostly I can pull myself out of the mess without making a complete fool of myself. There are so many mistakes just sitting there waiting for me…near misses with my car (why did my neighbour park his big black truck so close to my driveway?) and why did the lid come off the salt shaker when I was sprinkling it over the stew? And why in heaven’s name had I put on my undershirt inside out this winter, when I knew my doctor was going to be listening to my heart?

Much as we delight in the little things our babies did, in learning to be toddlers, then children, I think God smiles at our minor mistakes. They are not convenient but they sure keep us humble.

Photo: “White mocha ice cream” by I, ElinorD. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.