The Final Year

No, this is not a blog about my last days (at least I hope not.) But rather about the beginning of a letter I received recently.

It was from an old friend. (In retrospect, I have a lot of “old friends.”) She had sent a note advising me that there would be a School reunion this summer…our 62nd. But it was the advisement on the top on the invitation that sent me into gales of laughter. It was entitled “Final Year.” I guess she is getting tired of organizing them (which she has done for many years,) and there will not be a 63rd reunion… that opportunity has now been lost to any of us that survive until next summer.

Age humbles many of us, but it does leave us with a great sense of humor.

Wrinkles, and white hair are expected in your senior years but not the announcement that this is “The Final Year.” I must write back to my friend and tell her what a laugh I got when I slit open that letter.

I no longer travel and am a bit sad I will miss this “Final Year” but after the first half hour of hellos I wonder if we would have much to say to each other. Our lives have gone in such different directions. Well, except for one couple, who are Presbyterians, that I have known since Grade one. We keep in touch and share a bit of our lives and our faith. Who would have thought that of all the faces in our Graduation picture, those two would still be a part of my life sixty-two years later. God does work in mysterious ways.

There are Graduations happening this month in town and I often wonder how diverse the paths of the graduates will be. I hope some of them will make this a better Canada. I know God has a plan for each one of them.

One of the joys of my “Senior” years has been sharing this blog with so many new friends. What a delight (as a chatter-box) to tell you about my life and my faith. I hope I will be allowed to do this for a while yet and that my friend’s pronouncement will not become fact …that my stories will still keep appearing and this will not be my “Final Year.”

Photo: “Briefoeffner mit kuvert und hand fcm” by Photograph: Frank C. Müller, Baden-Baden – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons.