How To Get Past the [Stuff] That Holds You Back

The article linked below is not ‘Christian’ blog post.  Although at least one contributor to the linked article, Dan Crask, is a follower of Jesus who brings his faith into his collaboration with the other authors and into his work as a creative entrepreneur wrestling with ‘Generalized Anxiety Disorder.’ (One of my own previous diagnoses.  I’m collecting a few.  It’s more fun than hockey cards except the reams of paper work don’t sound as cool on bike wheels.)

I gleaned this article from the Google+ group Christians in Business (<== Click HERE to Link to Dan’s discussion of this article in that virtual community.)

Profanity warning, many of the authors who contributed to the post linked below do not use the language of God’s Kingdom, in any of its various dialects, and how can we expect them to as they do not profess faith in Jesus?

So without much further ado here’s the post from a variety of entrepreneurs who wrestle with diagnosed mental illness and other inner human issues of brokenness that would hold them back.

To read the remainder of this riff on Dan’s post and to link to the original article through PLEASE CLICK HERE