The Potter and the Clay

Have you ever played with clay? 

I have, and it’s hard and thick; it needs water to soften, change and take shape. I love the feel of it in my hands. It’s smooth, relaxing, almost soothing as it spins round and round in your hands as you pump the foot peddle. You meditate, pray, get lost in the feeling.

Then it begins to take shape. I’m reminded that each clump of clay shapes and feels differently. Sometimes it needs a little water, sometimes more water, and then oops, too much. It can take shape quite quickly, or need hours of coaxing and care. Sometimes you have to start again and again. This is frustrating. Yet you don’t give up, knowing the piece of art it will become. You can see it, feel it.

I can see God sitting down to the potter’s wheel, picking up a chunk of clay. Looking at it, feeling it in His hands, He starts to cut away chunks until He has the right size. Then foot pumping and spin, spin, hands around it lovingly, letting it take form, adding tiny splashes of water to soften it and work it some more. It becomes a bit stiff, add more water. It continues to grow and change, it starts to look wonderful. He has warm, kind hands and then God closes His eyes and prays for His pot.

Do you think we could be the pot? At birth, God sees the beauty we will be, as we grow and change and take shape. He adds water, living water; family, friends, places, things, love. His hands are wrapped around us gently, never too tight. He lets us take on our own shape; He is there to guide but not rule over us.

Sometimes we break and fly apart. But when we do, God scoops up the clumps of clay and works it back together and helps us start again. As we go through life, God’s hands are around us. Yet there will be times when we don’t feel God with us and become cracked; angered, bitter, hurtful, or lonely and sad. It becomes harder and harder for us to continue, we crack more and more.

It doesn’t mean we’re unchangeable or untouchable, it just means we need water, living water. We hit our knees, tears come, water comes, and forgiveness comes. We need God’s hands. We begin to pray and ever so gently we feel His hands and a little water is added. We begin to feel peace fill our hearts. His hands are at work once again and we start to soften, this piece of clay, us, you and me, will grow and change and fill up with God’s love. I know I have times when I’m supple, open to God’s plans, with His hands gently, lovingly wrapped around me. I also have times when I’m cracked, dry and desperately thirsty for God.

And when our life is drawing to an end here on earth, I like to think that God’s hands become even more comforting as the piece of clay is finished. I picture God sitting back and admiring the finished pot with loving eyes, saying, “Beautiful. Job well done!”

“We are the clay and You are our potter; we are all the work of Your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)

About Jody Malm

Jody Malm was raised in the Cariboo region of British Columbia, and is a member of the Sheridan Lake House Church.