Update from Hungary

There was a refugee camp here on the Hungarian side on Monday. But on Tuesday the Hungarian government imposed new rules. The camp was cleared and the refugees bused out.

The world media was there, pointing their cameras at the now-closed border entry. The camp was already being dismantled. The journalists were waiting for something to happen.

Across the border, on the Serbian side were 1,000 or so refugees.

A Croatian journalist told me they are all in a no-man’s land. They cannot cross the border, he said. They were on a hunger strike, he told me.

That rumour was persistent.

Today, I understand (you in Canada may know better) the refugees broke through the border into Hungary, from where I took these photos. They were arrested by the army.

According to the new rules, if the entry is illegal, persons can be arrested. They could also be shot on the spot.

—Originally posted by Andrew Faiz from Hungary on the Presbyterian Record Facebook page. Faiz is in Hungary with the Moderator of the General Assembly.

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