Muffin Madness

Edible, but not saleable! That is what I said as I tasted the banana muffins I had just pulled out of the oven. A little over done too, I decided. I had baked them for the Bazaar.

I went to warm up some cocoa in the microwave and there it was…the melted margarine that was supposed to be in the muffins. I am a disaster in the kitchen. I think the ladies at the church know it and they seldom ask for sandwiches or squares for funerals and at the Bazaar this year I have been designated to take the Tea fee.

I could have cried but instead God and I just had a good laugh. There are so many times in life that you mean well and come out of the experience with mud on your face…or in my case with melted margarine in the microwave. Oh well, my Bible Study ladies won’t mind. They taste okay, they are just a bit “rubbery”. And Robin and John are coming over after work. John is a good sport, he’ll polish off a couple of them.

I have been walking down memory lane lately; looking at old files, remembering our years in the travel business. Such good years, but far too busy and we made mistakes…too much travel, responsibility, too many cigarettes for Harry and late nights at Council meetings. And that mistake cost us…at 56 he had a massive heart attack. Actually it was a God-send. He did a complete about face and lived another seventeen years.   Sometimes you learn from your mistakes.

I have packaged up my muffins; daughter Lyn will enjoy them…she has the same problems as me in the kitchen. We are a lost cause, yet we both survive. I’ve had food poisoning twice but not from stuff I cooked. God has been good to me.

I think of my two girls…two years apart and so different in nature and talents.

My daughters are a mystery,
So different, yet so much like me.
One has not a book to read
The other not a plant or seed.

Yet my home’s filled with both of these.
Our Lord is sure a mystery
To send these two with bits of me,
Scattered through eternity.

We are what God has ordained I guess and regardless of the mess I made of the muffins, He still loves me…yes, Jesus loves me…the Bible tells me so.

Photo by Mike McCune via Flickr, CC 2.0.