Reflections of Life

I recently put together a book of all my stories for the last few years. I called it “Reflections” as that is what my stories are…reflections of my life experiences.

But today’s story is about other reflections…photo reflections. I was sent a long email this morning filled with Autumn photos. They were glorious! Some appealed more than others but one in particular showed that the photographer had an eye for almost unseen beauty.

It was a photo of tree trunks and the ground beneath covered in golden leaves. If you look down, way down you see a puddle and in the puddle is the reflection of the tree trunks. That tiny reflection spoke to me of the promise in each one of us. We may not be able to be the whole picture. Only God can do that, but we can be a small reflection of his glory.

In reflecting back on childhood days I try to sift though all those years to see if there are any incidents that might qualify as reflecting God’s glory. I do remember picking up a dozen rolling oranges that fell out of an old man’s grocery bag. He was a bit scary as I was about eight and had had nothing to do with really old people. I probably ran all the way home afterwards. I wonder what he thought of that small child that was so brave and fearful at the same time.

Some reflections are not ones we wish to claim…that word spoken in haste etc. Recently I saw a look given to someone with so much anger in it I was shocked. The person never knew I saw that look but it changed my impression of them immediately.

I once stood in front of those crazy mirrors that make you look very thin or very fat. It makes you laugh, for you know right away the image is ridiculous. We know what we really look like.

I recently had some photos taken of me for my birthday. They are humbling. Those touches of ‘face cream’ through the years did not fulfill their promise, but maybe the contract on the label wasn’t meant for this many years.

I am glad God sees my heart as well as my face for it’s my heart that calls out to him and says “Father I need some comfort today”…and it is my heart that is drawn closer and comforted by His presence.

Photo by Matthew Paulson via Flickr, CC 2.0