
Little annoys me as much has having a great story idea in the middle of the night and being unable to recall it in the morning. Of course I could get up and write a few snatches of it at the time but the bed is warm and the room is cold and I no longer have anyone to cuddle up to. So I stay put and by morning that marvelous idea I had is long gone.

Sunday’s sermon spoke of a young child asking her teacher where the message on the chalk board goes, when she erases it.

It gave me a challenge to think of other things that at one time were so important and visible in my life and have disappeared.

I gave my bike away after my hip surgery. I had ridden it so seldom before surgery…in too much pain. Then after surgery I was scared to death I might break something. I found getting on and riding wasn’t so bad but stopping was really scary. I am sure there is a sermon message there about the attraction of sin and our insistence that we can always quit when we want to.

I have a weakness for coconut cream pie…and sure enough it was served at a dinner the other night and yes I ate it, on top of a huge hamburger and some salad. Consequently, I was up half the night chewing on antacids. Gluttony is a sin and I paid the price for it.

So old and still so stupid!

The little girl who questioned her teacher about the words on the chalk board reminded me of the times I have lost email messages or even a story or two. A press of a key and ‘zamm’…all your work has disappeared. It is a puzzlement.

But I do like the idea of the chalk and that God wipes out my sins in such a perfect way, leaving me with a clean ‘chalk board’, my sins forgiven. Just wish I could learn how to keep it clean…there is another dinner out next week and I sure hope dessert isn’t coconut cream pie.

Photo by Pimthida via Flickr, licensed by CC 2.0