The Face of Reconciliation

Re: The voice of the Bell

My husband, a retired Anglican clergyman, he 85 and I 83, have been reading the Record for years. When it comes we read it from cover to cover. As a warden in our little Anglican church, St. Thomas, Cambridge, Ont., the articles help me see things from a different view. In the area of truth and reconciliation, I wonder if some of the problem today is whether we can ever forgive ourselves for the tragedy against our Aboriginal people and can they ever forgive us? Only in forgiveness can we ever move on. We thank God that it now appears we are moving in that direction.

The September issue was excellent in all areas but I just had to write in response to the meditation article “The Voice of the Bell” by Diane Munier. It was written with such excitement and joy. I felt as if I was right there and by the end of the article I found I was crying with hope for the future.

About Helen Gardiner, Cambridge, Ont.