
My friend Paula and I have been discussing prayer. She is a great believer in prayer and prays often. I am not sure if my conversations with God are prayer…but I chat away all day to him. And there are times he speaks to me. Well, not in words so much but in thoughts that might stir me to…write a blog, phone a friend or search Scripture for an answer. (I find Google helps me considerably here.)

And there are times when I don’t pray at all. I don’t need to. Fifteen minutes at my front window to watch a sunrise, takes my breath and my words away. My worship is silent as my Creator paints the sky with flushes of pink. He knows my heart and it is filled to the brim with awe that he would share all this with me. At those times we stand together and watch the beauty that he has made and we know it is good! No words. For those moments I feel filled with the presence of the Lord and all my senses are communicating with him.

The English language is so limiting. But the language of the heart is limitless. Ask a couple in love. A look, a hug, a kiss tells more than words can say…no wonder in My Fair Lady, Eliza said “Words, words, I am so sick of words.”

When the world looks back decades hence this will surely be The Age of Communication. The pen is truly mightier than the sword and today the very air we breathe is full of words that have the ability to change the whole world.

I love being able to access my children and grandchildren with a touch of a button, and watch my great-grandchildren, like tiny plants, grown in front of my eyes. But, my mind is also filled with the disasters that are the daily menu of todays’ events. Communication has its pluses and minuses.

Your faith is such a private thing. Oh yes, you share your beliefs but you do not tell all. Only God knows your deepest thoughts and his way of relating to them are not necessarily the way he might relate to another. We are unique and the answers to our questions and concerns will be unique too.

It is two decades since the shock of my husband’s heart attack rocked my world, but it is never forgotten. For three days he was in I.C.U. I knew others were praying for him but not I. I was experiencing a peace that passes all understanding. I was filled with God’s presence. I knew that whatever happened he would not fail me. And yes, Harry recovered and we had another seventeen years together. But I think that was a real cross-road in my faith journey. I had never experienced anything like that before… and no words were spoken.

Sometimes God doesn’t need words, he just holds you and his love permeates every part of your being and you are at peace and no longer afraid.

Photo by evan courtney via Flickr, licensed CC 2.0