A Blessing a Day

My sister had an ancient book of graces and although the language was archaic, children, mine included, vied for the honour of reading the grace for that day. She and I often talked about translating the words, making them more understandable, but it took years for me to get around to it, only to discover the prayers began to repeat themselves (which we had never noticed before) so, I only had enough for about one third of a book.

I sent out a call to my friends. Did they have a favourite grace, maybe one their parents said? And yes, many of them did, but still not enough to fill a book for 365 days of the year.

So, there was nothing to do but sit down and write them myself.

Each prayer is only four to six lines, but it still took a lot of thought. A photo taken by my son-in-law, Stuart of my husband and two grandkids down on the beach would be the cover photo since all three were indeed blessings. A friend, Bob, in the printing business came on board to help.

And so, a small book of daily graces before meals called Blessings came into being. It sold very well. Then sadly, Bob died suddenly, and the book did too when I ran out of copies a few years later. Still I kept getting orders. About a year ago, Judy, the daughter of a friend informed me she knew a family who still used the book of graces every day and she was calling to ask if she could buy a copy? No, afraid not.

Then, grandson Duncan offered to put it on the Internet. So, now, miracle of miracles, Blessings is a Kindle book on Amazon, available to any and all. So, yes, blessings still abound.

December 6
Dear God, in this Advent season
When we prepare for Christmas,
Help us to never forget Your great love
That sent Jesus, Your son, as our Saviour.
Accept our humble thanks and bless us
As we eat the food which You have provided.

December 19
O God, you are the God of peace,
Help us to find peace in our homes,
At work, within the Church.
Help us to find peace between the races,
And the nations of the world.
Help us to see every person as a brother or sister for whom
Christ died, and make us grateful for your love.

December 25
Lord Jesus, you were born in a lowly manger,
Keep us from coveting wealth and luxury.
There was no room in the inn,
Keep our lives uncrowded so that
There is always room for you.
You lived among common things,
Keep us from thinking any task too common for us.
We thank you for the blessings of this day.

December 27
Dear God, thank you for our friends and family
Who are so dear to us.
Wherever they are we ask You to bless
Them and keep them safe.
Thank you for the food you provide.

December 31
Eternal God, as the old year departs,
Rid us of old habits that have hindered
Our being at peace with ourselves and others.
Thank you for all Your blessings of the
Past year, and help us to remember the needs
Of others in the coming year.

About Gwyneth Whilsmith

Longtime contributor Gwyneth Whilsmith’s last article for the Record was “Prayer of a 90-Year-Old.” You can find her book of blessings, and her new book I Know God’s in Here Somewhere, at amazon.com/author/gwynethwhilsmith.