Act, and Encourage Others to Follow

Re Vote With Vision, October

I was confused by Andrew Faiz’s instruction to “not shove your faith into your politics,” but to “let your faith instruct your vision for Canada.” It almost seemed to me to be like the “we vote CBC” signs that sprung up prior to the election; that is, vote for anyone but the Conservatives. The election results seem to indicate a growing desire to have the government do for us what we should in fact be doing ourselves. The next article by Connie Wardle outlines many cries for the government to do more for the Syrian refugees. This is a cop-out. Demanding more from the government should not be the extent of our efforts. As Christians we need to share our resources and encourage others to follow our example. Going into debt as a country is not the example we should be setting. Our children and grandchildren may wish to support other initiatives.

About Barry Bellamy, Lakefield, Ont.