Justice Has Been Served

Re Residential Schools coverage,September

Two concerns bother me about the above issue:
1. Lack of viewpoint from teachers and staff of the schools
2. Monetary compensation for alleging abuse.
Considering the above, I do not feel justice has been effected, with all due respect to those honestly affected.

Dear Fay,
This is not a new story. It has been told many, many times and in many different ways. The Record published a remembrance from one of the teachers several years ago. Testimony has been delivered in public courts and at various Truth and Reconciliation events. The facts as we understand them are not for debate. They are facts. Horrible things were done by ordinary, church-sponsored people to little children. And that is why churches had to pay court-induced reparations to the victims under their care.

Thank you for your letter. God bless.
Amy MacLachlan, Managing editor