Study Guide on Sexuality Now Available

At the end of October, the Presbyterian Church in Canada released a study guide on human sexuality entitled Body, Mind and Soul. It was created at the request of the General Assembly and was put together by Justice Ministries and the Committee on Church Doctrine.

The 119-page document includes both the main study guide, written by Rev. Dr. Emily Bisset, and additional resources to help church groups as they work their way through the different perspectives it presents.

The guide itself includes four main informational chapters ranging in length from three to 23 pages, and a chapter encouraging activities like listening and prayer circles. The longest chapters explore the main passages of scripture that are often turned to when discussions of sexual orientation arise, and theological views on matters like creation and sin that affect our understandings of gender, sexuality and identity. The other chapters provide a run-down of the current doctrine of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and some information about biological and psychological studies. All of the chapters are interspersed with discussion questions.

The guide also includes a pair of appendices with information about the official views of other denominations and a summary of statements approved by PCC General Assemblies.

General Assembly recommended that the various courts of the church share the results of their conversations with Justice Ministries and the church doctrine committee. Church groups are encouraged to provide feedback before Feb. 15, 2016. A survey is included with the guide and can also be downloaded on its own.

The entire guide is available as a free download at, and a print copy can be ordered for $10 from the Resource Centre at the denomination’s national offices.