Windows of the Soul

After our church renovations the congregation put in the very special glass-stained window that had been originally installed in the old church in 1940. It is of Jesus knocking at the door and is beautiful!

There was much concern whether it should be installed on the street wall. Would it be safe? Wouldn’t it be better to keep it inside where we could watch over it and keep it from possible harm?

Like anxious parents we asked all these questions. We had in our hands something precious. Did we have the courage to share it with others or would we hide our light under a bushel? It sure seemed a lot safer on an inside wall.

Finally the decision was made to put it on the street wall for everyone to enjoy, not just the congregation. But, we would ensure a heavy, clear, non penetrable cover would ensure its safety.

So for years we have entered the church, and viewed this beautiful work of art and perhaps have taken it for granted. Then one Sunday we noticed that it had darkened. No light shone through and the form of Jesus had blurred into the whole of the picture.

Our Minister explained that yes, someone had attempted to throw part of the nearby fire hydrant through the window. (Don’t you wonder why? Such anger, such fear, such an unhappy soul…no answers to questions like that.)

The cover saved the window. Praise God!

But until a new cover is made those on the street will not view the window, nor will those inside. It is in darkness covered by the outside boards.

So often we are in darkness.   The death of a loved one, destruction of one’s dreams, or financial disaster, often place us in darkness. These events can destroy us…but not if we are leaning “on the everlasting arms.” We will find that hiding under the boards in our lives is the face of Jesus. Do not despair. He has promised he will never leave or forsake us.

For a while we have needed a cover, to help us through the tough times. But there will be a time, when He will lift our concerns and sorrows and again the light of the Lord will shine in our faces.

Photo by Waiting For The Word via Flickr