Silliness and Sweet Miracles

A New Religion
The Missionary Church of Kopimism is a Swedish-founded and recognized religion. Its core beliefs have to do with the distribution of information.

According to their website, “Code is law,” “the internet is sacred” and “copying information is a sacred virtue.” The symbols of the church include a slanted, block-based 3D letter “K” and a yin-yang symbol with Ctrl+C (computer speak for “Cut”) on one side and Ctrl+V (computer speak for “Paste”) on the other. Referring to themselves as Kopimists, followers of this philosophy encourage adherents to copy all types of files, from movies to webpages to TV shows and share them wherever they can. While the group has been around since 2010, they just celebrated their first wedding service. It was officiated by an individual wearing the now very famous Guy Fawkes mask as a computer read the vows aloud.
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Christian Music
I’m sort of out of my element with this one. This music is almost… adult contemporary. Don’t judge me. I stumbled across this little gem whilst viewing heavy metal remakes of Adele’s Hello. Released in January, Noel Robinson put out an album titled Outrageous Love (though the title track came out in September). Robinson is British and comes from a Pentecostal background. Clearly he has some gospel and R&B influences in his work but personally when I hear it, all I can think of is Motown and I mean that as a great compliment. If you’re interested, the song Rain is worth a listen. Find it @

A Joke Bible
Now trust me, I am not endorsing this one. This thing is vulgar and tasteless. At first glance it comes off comical. The Newest Testament Presents the Bible 2 (a collection of four comics) has on its cover Jesus riding a T-Rex, brandishing a sword and leading a revolt against the Romans who have stopped at nothing to kill him post-resurrection. Apparently there is some time-travel involved and some secret plots by the papacy and French monarchy in the 1400s. Oh, and Jesus also has rocket sandals that allow him to perform powerful flying superman punches. All that is pretty awesome, if you ask me. But like I said, I can’t endorse it. It goes way too far. And it’s certainly not my kind of humour, which is to say that I appreciate a good inside joke where Christians admit that we take (not God but) ourselves way too seriously. In this case though, it seems pretty insulting.

Still, take a quick look. There is some comic relief in the cover. I just wouldn’t go ordering a copy or opening it up.
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*Editor’s note: Site contains profane language.

A Beautiful Story
The story comes from CNN. The photo: famously dubbed “the rescuing hug.” The time: 21 years ago. The event: twins born 12 weeks premature. But there was a big problem. One of the twins wasn’t going to make it. I don’t want to ruin the story. If you want to know what happened or how a simple hug changed the way we practice medicine, then you will just have to watch the clip.