Elastics and Easter Eggs

Coloured Easter eggs fill my Facebook. My grandson’s family is Ukrainian and this is the season for all those beautiful eggs to appear. I have been the recipient of several and they are stored in the china cabinet during the rest of the year, but for the next few weeks I will display them for all to see.

One of his Aunts confessed that when she was making them she could never keep the lines straight and cheated by using an elastic band.   What a great idea! Not the cheating of course but I was impressed by her ingenuity. And each egg is so unique, so very special. Much like our own faith stories.

I have always affirmed to my Bible study group that opinions expressed were mine and not necessarily written in stone. I have found through the years that I’ve dropped a lot of unnecessary baggage on my faith journey and have picked up some insights, but I insist that this is my journey and theirs can be decidedly different.

But it is wonderful how the sharing of journey’s can enrich your faith and build bridges between the participants. I truly love these ladies. We have been bible study friends for over ten years and supported each other physically (the front steps are a bit high and a few need help), emotionally, (through the loss of spouses) and spiritually (through the affirmation of God’s presence in other’s lives.) Although a few have moved away; some to Senior Housing, we have only lost one to the Lord…not really lost…we know exactly where she is.

I thought about that Facebook confession and the elastic band and how each ones faith is like that band around our beliefs in God. Our journeys are separate and yet we are not walking alone as the Lord is always present. I think sometimes my elastic band loosened and I may have made a bit of a mess, but as my relationship with the Lord enriched, my band tightened and hopefully the lines of my life are straightening and showing more promise.

I think we all start life as an Easter egg. Perhaps those first few washes of colour not showing too much about us, but year by year, line by line, colour by colour we are becoming more as God would have us be…and yes, there are marks of sorrow on us, laugh lines, spots of tragedy, mistakes made but all washed over in God’s love and forgiveness. He knows how fragile we are and He knows our strengths too.

And we, like my Easter eggs need to get out of the china cabinet a little more often and tell the world about our Maker. We can be visible ‘Easter Eggs’ all year long.