Aaron’s Underpants

John Crist grew up in the American South. He was homeschooled along with seven other siblings. His father is a minister. John, however, is a comedian and a good one at that. What makes him unique though is that his act is really clean. Now that doesn’t mean that he only does Christian comedy; he’s on the regular circuit. But it does mean that who he is, namely a Christian, affects how he views comedy. John is the guy I’ve mentioned before, who made those fake “Christian Mingle” clips where he interviewed new people on the dating website to make sure they were “Christian enough” before allowing them to search for a match. In this month’s clip, Crist looks at the strange language Christian communities have created. He wondered if people had any idea what Christians mean by some of the phrases unique to our communities, so he asked them. So just what do people who weren’t raised in the church think a “love offering” is? Watch to find out!

The Words We Use
When it comes to human sexuality issues, one thing is for sure: we don’t know much, but we sure do know how to put our feet in our mouths. One of the difficulties is that some of this just seems so new to many of us, and the language is particularly striking. An old friend of mine from college considers himself a “Q Two-Spirit Person,” and another friend of mine has a daughter who is a “transwoman,” but those terms are confusing to many.

Sometimes even the use of a word depends upon your sensitivities and upon how “insider” or “outsider” you are or you appear to be. Luckily for me, my old “Two Spirit” pal hooked me up with a helpful glossary so I can keep from embarrassing myself less often as I attempt to converse with people about LGBTQ issues. I think it helped me. I hope it helps you, too.

Find it @ community.pflag.org/glossary.

Fun Bible Verses
At Andrew Faiz’s request, here are some fun Bible verses for the church at large:
Ever wonder about Job’s relationship with his wife, or perhaps what it’s like living with a guy who doesn’t own a toothbrush? In Job 19:17, he tells us. It says: “My breath is repulsive to my wife; I am loathsome to my own family.”

Have you ever felt like the traffic in your city is crazy? You’re not the only one. George Carlin once said: “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?” Well, the Bible said it first. In 2 Kings 9:20, the lookout evaluating someone else’s chariot driving skills says: “He reached them, but he is not coming back. It looks like the driving of Jehu son of Nimshi; for he drives like a maniac.” “Jehu son of Nimshi!” you say. That’s what I’m going to scream at the next guy who cuts me off. Try it. You might like it.  

With that in mind, the next time I meet a hunter, I plan on praising them the way a warrior did in the olden days with, “Why you hunt like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord!” (Genesis 10:6-20)

Ever wonder about Moses and Aaron’s underpants? Of course you have. Want to know what they looked like? Look it up. Exodus 39:1-5.

Christian Satire
Ever since the old Wittenburg Door went the way of the dodo bird, Christian satirists like me have been clamouring for a replacement. That day has come. The Babylon Bee is a goofy Christian faux-news organization with great stories the likes of which have not been seen since one Brad Childs co-ran The Realist, a monthly underground university satirical.

The Babylon Bee has such recent gems as, “The Power of Positive Declarations: Joel Osteen can now fly,” and “Trump sees poll numbers plummet as Yosemite Sam enters the GOP race.”

I love it! I wonder if they’re hiring?

Find it @ babylonbee.com.