Award Honors Life of Youth Leader

Rev. Alan Goh (left), Gerry and Gayle Clarke, Doris Loo,(Matthew’s mom), dad, William, and sister, Megan.

A small church was honored in March for the community meal it has served for the last 10 years. St. Andrew’s, Sutton, Ont., was presented with the Matthew Loo award at Celebration Church in Markham, Ont., on March 6, along with a cheque to help ensure the essential outreach continues.

“Sutton PC was chosen because of their inspiring and outstanding example of what it means to love and care for others in Jesus’ name,” Rev. Alan Goh, minister at Celebration, told the Record. “The Loo family, our session, and congregation were blessed to have been able to recognize the mission and ministry of our brothers and sisters in Sutton PC.”

St. Andrew’s has been mentioned in the Record’s pages several times before, detailing the work that this congregation of about 20 manage to continue—particularly the weekly dinner that regularly attracts 70 people from the community who often have too little eat and too little support. For many of them, the Tuesday night dinner is church.

“We were certainly honoured by this presentation, and stayed to enjoy lunch with the wonderful people at Celebration PC,” said Gayle Clarke, an elder and meal committee member at St. Andrew’s. “They have a wonderful ministry.”

The award is named for Matthew Loo, a youth leader at Celebration who died in 2011 following routine oral surgery.

“Matthew Loo was one of our brightest youth leaders,” said Goh. “He was a first year student at York University. He was a vocal believer, leader in the youth group, shared his faith, and was popular among his peers. He was athletic, loved music, and was a big personality.”

The congregation started the fund four years ago to remember Loo’s place in the congregation. Every summer, the church puts on a barbecue fundraiser and all of Loo’s family and friends come to church, “making that Sunday our highest attendance of the year,” said Goh. “Matthew and his family are still very much loved and a big part of our congregation.”