Breaking My Heart

Some years ago a rejected teenager complained to his mom about an ended relationship with his girlfriend. She answered “Why do you think there are all those sad love songs?” And yes, there are lots of sad love songs. And yes, sometimes those songs are of rejection but sometimes those sad love songs are just songs of goodbyes…goodbyes to those who have gone to live with the Lord.

I was surprised to read in Acts 21:13, Paul complaining to his followers to stop their grieving at his departure as they were breaking his heart.

Sometimes our hearts are bruised by comments and actions but a broken heart is often not reparable…it may mend a bit but it will bear scars and is never quite the same. Paul loved his followers and friends and could hardly handle their goodbyes. Yes, broken hearts happened 2000 years ago too. It is not a modern invention, although cowboy music could not exist without it, nor could much of the music of yester year.

When I look at the photos of my girls when they were little, it is kind of heartbreaking that those little girls are gone…no more songs on Mommy’s knee, no more bandaging of an “owey.” But now I have mature daughters, a lovely gift to fill my senior years. The circle of life is full of losses and gains, of heartbreak and heartwarming.

Recent photos on my grandson’s Facebook, show my three great-grandchildren doing all the delightful things youngsters do. But the photos are bitter-sweet for although I see their little faces, I can’t hold and cuddle them…they are 3,000 miles away.

But, God is so full of grace and my life is full of good things. I can no longer write with ease but I can still type…which helps if my little stories are to get into your hands.

And after weeks of rain, there is sunshine today, and the promise of more through the week. God is not stingy and yesterdays disappointments still hold the promise of tomorrow. We know heartbreak and problems will pass for God has promised never to forsake us. And best of all He knows how to heal those broken hearts.

Photo by seyed mustafa zamani via Flickr/CC