Presbyterian Church Partners with Augsburg Fortress

As of July 1, all resources for the Presbyterian Church in Canada will be sold and distributed by Augsburg Fortress.

Augsburg Fortress is a Christian publishing house that creates and distributes a wide variety of resources for the Lutheran, United, and Anglican Churches in Canada. They produce denomination-specific resources, as well as books, curricula, music, Bibles, and church supplies.

The PCC will still create its various resources, but Augsburg Fortress will take care of the distribution. The partnership will “offer members of the PCC constituency a seamless method for ordering both PCC resources, curriculum and other materials,” a statement put out by the church explained. “This one-stop shopping model will make ordering resources and materials easier.”

After the closure of the Women’s Missionary Society Book Room in 2015, the Resource Centre has distributed the church’s print resources. Those not created by the church were ordered through third parties, Augsburg Fortress among them.

“We have over 20,000 items for sale,” the chief financial officer of Augsburg, Hardy Willms, said to this year’s General Assembly. “We’ll be working with head office [of the PCC] and picking out items with the head office that will be of interest to the church.”