Weather Warnings

This morning I wasn’t feeling that well. Luckily I had put the big coffee pot on the counter the night before and the cups on a tray. All was pretty well set up for the Bible study gang. They get together for coffee and conversation during the summer, so no pressure to preach (or read from Max Lucado’s books). So the girls wandered in, headed for the coffee and began the conversation part of the morning. I just sat and smiled. They are all dear to me and being in their presence brings me joy.

When they left I dumped the few cups of coffee left, ate some soup and decided to just sit in my easy chair for the afternoon. I hate those illusive feelings of not being completely well so prayed …and drank fluids and ate a bit. I tend to graze when I don’t feel well.

I looked out the window and black clouds were sailing by. I emailed my daughter and mentioned that it looked like there might be a storm…then went back to my chair and put my heated beany bag on my lap. Like a small kitten or a playful puppy, there is comfort to something warm on your lap. I was content, waiting for the afternoon to slip by with the hope that by evening I would feel better.

Then the phone rang.

“Did you know there was a tornado watch?” asked my neighbour.

I replied in the negative. My world had just become my living room for the afternoon and what was going on beyond it had not concerned me. A glance outside showed a grey sky and no sign there was danger. I guess it had passed.

I thought of the many times in the past God had been looking after rather scary things that could have harmed me. I was wrapped up in a world of my own and was not aware of nearby danger.

I recalled a trip to Trinidad when we were going down a highway. At the bend of the road a tanker truck had veered off and become a ball of fire. If we had been there ten minutes earlier, we might have been there when it blew up. God was merciful.

I think if we could see a movie of what could have been, without the intervention of a loving God, we would be in awe of his mercy and loving-kindness.

So today, I thank him for sparing us from a tornado and for sparing me from worrying about it…which I would have done if I had know there was a tornado watch out.

I guess he knew that I didn’t need that on my plate today. So I keep praying and no doubt he is listening and hopefully by evening these small worries about my health will disappear.