It’s a Funny World

One thing God gave me was the ability to laugh at myself. Oh yes, I am serious about important things…my faith, my family and my friends, but about myself? No siree!

The writing part of ‘writing’ is the fun part…the rest is just work. Every flat space in my computer room is covered with paper. Files are stacked up here and there, mostly where I can’t find them when I want them.

Today I moved a story to my ‘reject’ file. It just didn’t turn me on and I doubt if it would do so to anyone else. I went to find the paper file and searched everywhere, then, finally I spied it. As I went to tuck it into the folder I glanced at the last reject. It was entitled “Seek and You Shall Find.” I am still giggling about the coincidence.

An old book I found at a garage sale is titled “Laugh Again” by Charles R. Swindoll. I am enjoying the idea that you can be funny and religious too. One of my husband’s most redeeming qualities was his ability to make people laugh. He brought joy as his personal gift when he entered a room. I miss that terribly. It is a very serious world I know but God made a giraffe…He must have a sense of humour.

Sunday I am doing the morning service with the help of a friend. George, our minister always seems to hand me sermons about football…but not this time. It is about ‘sin’ and he even states in it that minister’s aren’t that happy speaking about sin, and he suggests sermons on sin could be given to an elder to use when he is away. So that is what he did, so that is what I will speak about on Sunday. He really had the last laugh.

Our men’s choir is going to sing too…what they sometimes lack in harmony they make up in enthusiasm. We love them. And I have suggested we invite a young woman who does classical dance. David danced before the Lord and I think this gift should be shared with all of us. I am waiting to see the look on some of the staid Presbyterians in the congregation. Actually I don’t believe we will offend a single one…they are wonderful ‘full of the Lord Christians.’

Yesterday, I watered a patch of grass seed that I am enticing to fill in a bad spot on the lawn. The outside tap decided to blow and I was drowned in a matter of seconds. I laughed. Water doesn’t scare me…I was raised in the Fraser Valley where it can rain non-stop for weeks.

Last Friday I had asked for jokes to be brought to Bible study…at coffee time. One was so hilarious one of the ladies nearly fell on the floor. What a delight to laugh together with friends and brighten up spirits, erase worry lines and lift our laughter to the Lord. Bet He was laughing too!