Memory Lane

I have spent the last few hours going through old files. It is hard to part with all those ideas I had for stories, but alas, there is so little time and so many stories to tell.

I’ve had several unusual incidences happen lately that I want to share with you but the one this morning tops them all. I found some old, very old letters from a family uncle. He died at 95 about 15 years ago. With his letters was a poem his mother, yes, his mother, had written after his father passed away. It was so beautiful and of course I was in tears when I finished reading it. At the top was the title “For You dear heart…Fred”.

One of my best friend’s husband’s name was Fred. She is a widow and somehow I felt dragged, pushed, whatever, to the phone to call and read it to her. I knew it would touch her heart…and it did. Then she shared with me information I knew nothing about…it was the anniversary of her husband’s death and she had just had a memorial printed in the local paper. Somehow, that lady from the far past that I knew as Auntie Bea, had reached out and touched the heart of another widow. Words can live on…and when they touch someone in the present it is a sort of miracle.

My words touched someone recently. An article I had written for a magazine, sparked a message on Facebook…could I possibly be the Patricia Schneider her mother knew…and I was! I hadn’t heard from her since 1958. Words, reaching out across time and space, had somehow found us both.

And then recently, a poem I read contained the author’s name and city. I found her website and wrote her and yes…she was related to a man who had taken our wedding pictures back in 1953. With her words she had connected me to memories from the past.

I guess I should not be so astounded…for scripture has sought out and found me and it too was written a long, long time ago. The communication system is going through tremendous changes but it is words and what those words can do that will spread the love of the Lord. I guess that is why I am sitting here pounding away at my keyboard…and hoping my words are sharing with you my stories and my beliefs.