Birthday Bash

This article was written in 2014.

While we were stationed in Europe with the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1955-58, we did a lot of travelling. One day we arrived in Basel, Switzerland and found a very different city than we had anticipated. There were crowds and music everywhere. When we questioned the locals (my husband spoke German, which was a decided asset), they explained they were celebrating their 2,000th birthday. That deserves a celebration!

Last Sunday at church we celebrated a 100th birthday. Not a birthday of one of the members of the congregation (although that would have been nice), rather it was the birthday of Grande Prairie, Alta. We had a wonderful time, with birthday cake, balloons, very special book marks and music. Our choir leader led us through the singing of “Canada, we love thee”, only we changed it to “Grande Prairie, we love thee.” We had practiced it three times earlier.

All that practice is probably why I have been singing it all week. I can’t seem to get the tune out of my mind. I tried singing other songs, but as I putter around the house, that crazy melody haunts me and I am back voicing it again.

Made me wonder how many other things have invaded my life and thoughts that still linger without my permission. I always have been a ‘mystery story’ fan…and still am. However, recently I was not pleased with some of the TV series I had often watched…they were getting gross and I didn’t need all that in my head, so I cancelled my recorded series and will see what comes up on the screen after the summer. There are still a few old TV favorites that I enjoy…lighter stuff that doesn’t offend or mess my mind with less than good images.

I often wonder what is imprinted in the mind of those listening to some of the music that is sung nowadays. Actually it is mostly ‘yelled’ not sung. I probably would not want to decipher what the words are.   I find my late night or should I say ‘early-morning’ tune-in to the radio (I am a poor sleeper) leaves a lot to be desired and I often find myself listening to the ‘country music’ channel. Usually the lyrics rhyme…I like that.

Philippians 4:8 reminds us that we should think on ‘whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.’   God recognized how easily it is to be influence by outside stimuli.

I have a friend who gets very depressed about her place in the world and it took me a while recently to help her recognize that ‘her place’ was a good place and that this is earth not heaven and no place is perfect. It is often hard to stay positive as the years slip by and you no longer are the vibrant person you once were. It is easy for your thoughts to dwell on the negatives. But that was never God’s intention for you. And he so positively loves you.

So celebrate each day…somewhere it is somebody’s birthday…maybe even yours.