As God Sees It

A recent church bulletin mentioned seeing the world as God sees it. I had a glimpse of what God sees on a drive recently.

I have been blessed to see many parts of our beautiful world during our travel agency days but like most things when you look for them, they are there, right under your nose. Such was the case when I went with three friends for a day trip north of town. The Peace River Country is known for its farming capabilities and for an hour on the trip there and another hour on the trip back I gazed at ripening fields of canola, wheat, oats, fescue and more, all stretched out on the undulating countryside like a blanket of green and gold. I could imagine God looking down at all this bounty and as in Genesis 1:21…being pleased with what He saw.

All I could think of was food, food, food as far as the eye could see! How He has blessed us. I thought of the scenes on TV of women scratching in the dirt attempting to grow food for their families and I was almost ashamed at the abundance we have. God has been so good to us and of course with that comes the responsibility of sharing it with others and I like to think we do that through Presbyterian World Service & Development and other causes.

The getting- there- trip ended in a tiny café in a place called Valhalla. We’d been there once before and our mouths had been watering all morning…homemade sandwiches, soup, buns and last but best of all, coconut cream pie with real cream topping. Scrumptious! I noticed in the corner two big truckers each eating a sandwich at least four inches deep and a bowl of soup about ten inches across. I sat mesmerized as they wolfed it down. Finally I walked over and said “I’ve been a widow for seven years and I have forgotten how much men eat.” They grinned at me and chuckled, then went back to devouring their meal. They were back on the road shortly thereafter. And the roads are busy, busy. Even the country roads cannot contain the oil, farming and lumbering traffic that is a part of our far north’s economy. We have so much to be thankful for.

I raise little produce on my small patch of soil at the back of the townhouse. A small clump of chives sits in one corner, some rhubarb in another; but maybe my petunias are food for the soul…and we need to feed that part of us too.

And that is what this trip did for me today…fed my soul as well as my body, for who could drive across those rolling hills without the deep sense of awe over the beauty and sustenance that God supplies us year by year. Wow, we have an awesome God!