Another Other Six Days

The Other “The Other Six Days”

The Other Six Days is a workplace-focused ministry developed by Sidney Hinton and based out of North Carolina. The website encourages professionals to make Christ visible in the workplace. So what does that mean? Well, basically, it’s a daily devotional. But it’s also a whole lot more. It encourages members to take seriously a mission to their place of business. To join, you first sign a covenant declaring your desire to proclaim Christ daily. Then you sign up for a daily email. Each devotion (titled Make Today Count) comes with a specific task or challenge for the day which is directly related to a passage of scripture. Sometimes it’s as simple as “pray for your boss” or “buy a co-worker lunch” and other times it might be a little harder like “do part of someone else’s work load” or “shower praise upon the person most commonly criticized for their work.” Sundays are fine after all, but they don’t mean that much if we’re not bringing the church out into the world “The Other Six Days” of the week.

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A BIG Shake Up
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a ministry whose stated purpose is to “establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Saviour and Lord.” They are present at more than 600 colleges and universities, providing tools and training for evangelism. They also have a mission around the world and a respectable publishing arm that has included such authors as John Stott and Francis August Schaeffer. And they have 1,730 paid staff. So why bring them up? Well, something very big just happened: InterVarsity has required all employees to affirm a 20-page document on human sexuality and compliance is required for continued employment. And this just in: the executive committee of the Society of Biblical Literature has banned all InterVarsity Press books from its bookshelf at its annual reading.
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New Music
Dan Cummins. Dan Cummins. What to say? Oddly enough, I don’t know anything about this guy. He’s got no Wiki page. His Facebook page is basically nil. As far as I can tell, he put this whole album together himself and produced it at home. I don’t think he’s got a manager or even a full band. It seems he plays cover music at parties. Yet he has two CDs—one being a new album called Storm that came out on Oct. 7 at a release party in North Carolina that was interrupted by an actual storm. I think it’s fair to say that some of the production is less than perfect, and there’s something odd about the vocal mixing in at least one of the songs. Other than that, I just have one thing to say about Storm: I like it. It’s like Joe Satriani but in Slow Hand form with a bit of new-metal feel, if that makes any sense. Either way, I like it a lot. I’m listening to “Stardust” this very minute.