Around the World in 45 Years

We were stationed in Zweibrucken, Germany from 1955-58 and travelled to Denmark, Holland, Spain, Switzerland etc. and loved it, so when the opportunity came to buy a travel agency years later, we jumped at the chance. It was the smartest move we ever made.  For the next several decades we travelled to over 26 places on this beautiful earth.

I wish I could remember all the experiences we had. Certainly some are more vivid than others but let me tell you, God was right when he was pleased with his creation…for it is a beautiful world out there and mostly the inhabitants are friendly. At least they were back in the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. When I look at the news nowadays I am so thankful we travelled when we did…it was so much safer in those years. I don’t remember being anxious or frightened…well maybe a bit anxious in 1958 when our little Volkswagon we had bought in Germany was unloaded off the ship onto to the deck in Montreal. At that point in time it was all we had in the world, not counting our two little girls who sat wide-eyed at the procedure.

Getting old leaves one with a lot of somewhat worn out parts but the mind still registers and recalls amazing memories. I will admit I cannot remember everywhere we went, that is why I have little reminders scattered through the house…our vases from China, our wood carving from Indonesia…our brass plates from Morocco.

We do much the same thing about life memories…photos of our kids when they were small, of homes we once owned, and cars that carried us where we wanted to go.

I guess that is why I have so many Bibles… but how could I possibly give away the one my mother gave me when I was 12 years old, or the old family Bible gifted to me, or the Living Bible I used for years, or my old Good News Bible that like me, is a bit wobbly and needs support in certain places.

I was very young when I decided to accept the Lord and having those Bibles reminds me that through all those many years of knowing Him personally, He has never forsaken me. I still have plaques won in Vacation Bible School and drawings I made on glass, during those formative years. I see my childish scrawl on the back and am amazed that God chose me to visit his wonderful world, to enjoy 54 years of marriage and the joy of two daughters, two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. “Thanks” is such a tiny word to express what’s in my heart. Sometimes the English language is so limited.

And to top it all off, he gave me Canada as my birthplace. What a gift! So today I remember the places I have seen and lived in and I thank Him again for making it all possible. I don’t travel much anymore but someday I will arrive at the best destination yet and will be able to add Heaven to my list.