Fond Farewells

It will be hard to write this without a few tears. Writing my blogs and articles has sustained me throughout my widowhood. When Andrew Faiz asked if I would consider writing a weekly blog (so many years back), I felt that perhaps it would fill in some of the empty spaces in my life…and it did.

I have just had my 83rd birthday. Who said old dogs can’t learn new tricks? I was not very knowledgeable about computers, but I did know a lot about life and that I shared with my readers through the years. Some may say that a lot of it doesn’t really fit into today’s world, but life and death are part of everyone’s world and I have birthed and held two newborn babies, and I have kissed the cheek of my dying husband as it grew cold under my lips.

And I hope I have shared my faith…faith that was present even as a 12-year-old; faith that has followed me every step along the way—through times of tragedy, times of financial failure, and times of deep sorrow, and also through times of indescribable joy, and many times of laughter. How can you not laugh when the man you love is lying in a hospital bed, dying, and a pretty nurse asks: “Are you the man with shingles?” and he replies: “No, too bad, I have fallen in love with you already.”   Laughter was his life and he shared that laughter with me for 54 years.

God was always a part of my life. At eight years I was singing in the junior choir. Later I was helping teach Sunday school, then leading youth groups. I was a church secretary for five years…that really gives you insights into church life, and finally in my senior years I accepted the call to be an elder in His church. So many roads and so many detours, but God had plans I knew nothing about. I just followed where He led me.

And then this last decade, I had the joy of using my small gift of writing for God’s glory. Andrew, Connie and Amy, some of the staff at the Record, became my “pencils,” guiding me and sharing in my endeavors. They were such a blessing.

I have lived through more than one Depression, world wars, terror-filled epidemics and have even seen some of those epidemics, like polio, nearly eliminated. Praise God.

And He, in His love, let me see the world…well, 26 countries, which is pretty good for the wife of a travel agent. He showed me His beautiful creation and taught me how much alike we all are…not how different.

I am not sure where things are going in this world or even in this church but I know that God is there, working out His plans in ways we never expected. I will trust Him as I always have and I pray you will too.

I will be continuing to blog on my new webcite ( and I hope you will check in on me once in a while. I have loved reaching out to each one of you. Thank you for that privilege.