Finding Light in Darkness

So here we are, putting the final touches on the final issue of the Presbyterian Record.

It’s hard to believe this is the last time I’ll have the thrill of looking through all our readers’ art contest entries and getting to choose the winner (this year that honour goes to Davna McLean of Knox, Waterloo, Ont. Congratulations, Davna!). I’m always amazed how much effort our readers dedicate to our art contest, even before snow hits the ground anywhere in our country.

I’ve been with the Record for just a month shy of a decade. I often describe this job as one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. And it almost didn’t happen. I saw the job posting on a magazine industry website and thought, what the heck, I’ll give it a shot. Little did I know that the two guys who interviewed me that cloudy November afternoon back in 2005, Andrew and David, would be guests at my wedding. My collegues here—Amy, Connie, Debb and Salina—are now also friends. It’s so rare to find such an amazing group of people to work with.

So although this is a tough time—this job is irreplacable and I’ll miss it terribly—I’m looking for the light in this darkness. I know it’s there.

Things happen for a reason. Trust in the timing. Trust in God.

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About Caroline Bishop-Glogoviecki