Say It Ain’t So…

It pains me to think this will be my last Letter to the Editor of the Record. Never again via snail mail will I be addressing envelopes “care of 50 Wynford Drive, Toronto” again. What wonderful memories they were.

Down through the more than three decades I read the publication, rarely was there not an issue which didn’t elicit interest, knowledge or wisdom and on some rare splendid moments the mirth of the saints. No one more than a writer of such letters appreciates a publisher who will actually publish what you submit. A Cockney would say, “Good on you, mate!” I say, God bless you!

As a minister of Word and Sacrament for most of this time, I fought hard for the every-home plan which gave members and adherents a view of the theological and news-making points of view of a far larger world outside our doors; a view which was intelligent, educational and informed, often to the point I’d have the Record in one hand and the Bible in the other when preaching. Everyone knew where I was coming from—and where I was going.

Ah, they were sweet times. Many a time, the arrival of the Record was the ray of light when the world seemed dark and foreboding. Always there was hope and a reminder of a “God who so loved the world He gave His only Son.”

But nothing lasts forever and after 140 years everything is entitled to die, even a beloved and thought-provoking publication.