Sorry to See You Go

Dear Mr. Faiz,
It was with great regret that we learned of the demise of the Presbyterian Record. We received it by mail and read each issue – not cover-to-cover when it arrived, but in bits and pieces during the following month or so. We found many articles thought-provoking and others merely provoking . . . but all worth reading. We enjoyed hearing news of the activities in other churches. We related to the faith journeys of others who, like ourselves, struggle with the “faith/hope” conundrum. In short, we enjoyed it and we are surprised that others seem not to have shared our interest or it would still be thriving. We will miss it. We wish you and all those associated with you in the publication of this magazine the best for the future. Thank you all for your efforts over the years.

About Denham and Joanne Dingle, Lindsay, Ontario.